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What is a Neighbourhood Watch? 
A Neighbourhood Watch is a program of neighbours watching other neighbours property and community during times when burglaries are likely to occur.  A police officer patrolling your community may not recognize a stranger in your yard, but your neighbours would. 
Our Neighbourhood Watch Program 
These groups are private, NOT social media based and usually the administrator of the group has met all their members or knows of them through mutual neighbours or friends.  Currently, the Toronto Police Service and our local politicians are working in partnership with our Neighbourhood Watch Program and supporting these groups, as well as other pertinent city by-law departments.
In order to streamline and organize the groups' communications, Google Groups is used to regulate security and trustworthiness.
Only members can view group content, anyone can apply to join or be invited if they live in the included streets of the group, only members can post, and finally only members can view the list of members.
If you would like more information on starting a group or joining a group please contact us and we will assist you in creating a community group of your own.
It is important for all groups to have consistency and the same messages in order to meet the recommended guidelines by police and the city.
The police needs the community and the community needs the police
-Monique Bond
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